Un gran equipo liderado por el pianista, en una aventura del free jazz con destacados musicos en vivo en una presentacion del FESTIVAL DE FREE JAZZ 2011
PARA ESCUCHAR LINKEAR : https://youtu.be/tZ1-FbdOg4g
a GURDIEFF (Música zen)
FERRERO junto a Horacio Curti quien interpreta la flauta de bambú Shakuhachi
recrean una atmosfera de meditación y paz.
Ferrero toca piano, efectos y accesorios
Curti la flauta shakuhachi
Grabado en EST. BAC SOUND
tecnico de sonido : Jorge Beren
Bs As – Capital año 2003
Una nueva experiencia del maestro Ferrero, que vincula la música espiritual con
texturas andinas y montañosas.
se puede escuchar usando este link
CD – PÁL CUCHI – Homenaje de Ruben Ferrero – 2020
RUBEN FERRERO, junto a destacados músicos e interpretes, y cantoras como GUADALUPE RAVENTOS, vocalista de jazz y MARILÍ MACHADO, cantante de tango y folklore, ambas se suman a esta maravillosa aventura de recrear desde un lugar distinto y con auténticas raíces, a la gran cosmogonía que propone el Cuchi Leguizamón, un maestro en el arte cancionero nativo, su profundidad tanto en las letras de los poetas que lo acompañan como en su giros musicales, inspira infinitas variaciones.
EDITADO en el año 2020 (pandemia) por ACQUA RECORD
RUBEN FERRERO, PABLO PORCELLI & PATRICIO VILLAREJO, convergen en un trio de altisima calidad instrumental, a la altura de un Piazzolla enrolado en las improvisaciones y en las texturas del jazz, como el gran bandoneonista le hubiese gustado. La intimidad y la fuerza que encierran los arreglos y la inspiración de estos tres grandes dan por sentada
la frase misión cumplida!!
Se grabó en ESTUDIOS CALLE 24, con la producción sonora y estética de Ariel Zafiro y Ferrero.
Producción General: Ruben Ferrero
Diseño de tapa : Guadalupe Alfonsín
AGENDA CONCIERTOS /Sept-Oct-Nov-Dic 2018
Al Escenario – Sábado 15 Septiembre – 21hs*
Dirección: Gral A de Lamadrid 1001 – Boca (Limítrofe Barracas) – Distrito de Las Artes
Reservación: alescenarioreserva@gmail.com. Tel 4303-3346
Entrada “Menu Spectacle” : $480 x persona : menú Ruta gourmet Vivi Francia: Boeuf Bourguignon aux Olives + Copa de vino
+Info: www.alescenario.com.ar
Performance franco argentina, multidisciplinaria y atemporal, en homenaje al famoso cabaret cultural d´avant garde “l´Écluse”, Paris rive gauche. Es una performance perdida en el tiempo, donde la magia del arte perdura siempre. Cantantes, poetas y artistas variados se entregan en una varieté llena de magia. Música – t
eatro – Poesía – Canto –Magia – Títeres - Mapping -Tragos y comida.
Elenco: GRISEL : la compositora (Cantante KAREN : la francesa inmigrante (Cantante) PACO DAMITIO : anfitrion SOPHIA DE DAMITIO : Madame SANTIAGO DE BELVA : Poeta del tiempo (conciencia del espacio) JORGE LIBSTEIN : Titiritero - cuentos FERNANDO LAZZARINI: Mago FERRERO ART ENSAMBLE CARLOS VELIZ, cello CRISTIAN VELIZ, trombon DIEGO MORONE, saxo Tr FRANCO JORGE, guit ALEXIS ALVAREZ, bajo VIVIANA CERINO, bateria RUBEN FERRERO, piano y arreglos Escenografía & VideoArt Mapping: SOPHIE VEBER Producción: AL ESCENARIO Dirección artística y musical : RUBEN FERRERO ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: COMPLEJO PASEO LA PLAZA . Av Corrientes 1660 ENTRADAS x PLATEANET 5236-3000 * Sábado 22 de Septiembre 20,30 hs![]()
FERRERO Art ENSAMBLE / Jazz free african ,latin/
Ruben Ferrero, piano y dirección-
DANIELA LOZANO Producciones.
BORGES 1975 – en el barrio de Palermo (ex Serrano)
Viernes 5 de OCTUBRE a las 23 hs
Dos bandas de alta gama /jazz afrocuban latin contemporáneo/
Reservas al 011 3973 3624
Domingo 14 de OCTUBRE a las 15 hs
Pedro Goyena 1468 – Caballito
FERRERO ART ENSAMBLE (Jazz afroindoamericano-Latin)
SR DUNCAN – Av Rivadavia 3832
Reservas al 011 4958 3633 – Caballito
Sábado 20 de OCTUBRE a las 22 hs (puntual)
“ACÚSTICO” – Jazz –
Jueves 1° a las 20 hs / MÚSICA ESTOCÁSTICA/
Los intérpretes realizarán intervenciones sobre la música de éstos compositores
de la música clásica del SIGLO XXI considerados como los referentes máximos.
El jueves 27 de Diciembre a las 18,30 hs –
AMIA , Pasteur 666
Ruben Ferrero junto a su ART ENSAMBLE, musicalizan espóntaneamente
la música de una seleccion muy cuidada de la Pantera Rosa, y tambien
interpretaran temas standar de jazz, un espectáculo para toda la familia,
chicos y grandes disfrutarán de este maravilloso espectáculo.
CD “Words Unspoken”
Comentarios acerca del CD “Words Unspoken”
Diversos magazines de Europa. Ver http://www.jazzcds.co.uk/artist_id_711/cd_id_1921
A collection of ballads by George Haslam baritone sax, with guests Steve Waterman trumpet and flugelhorn, Ruben Ferrero piano, Esmond Selwyn guitar, Dan Messore guitar and Steve Kershaw double bass. Thirteen solo and duo tracks.
A KISS TO BUILD A DREAM ON George Haslam & Ruben Ferrero
BLUE BOSSA George Haslam & Ruben Ferrero
I WON’T SEND ROSES George Haslam & Steve Kershaw
NAIMA Steve Waterman & Dan Messore
HOW INSENSITIVE George Haslam & Steve Kershaw
WHERE OR WHEN George Haslam & Steve Waterman
BODY AND SOUL Esmond Selwyn
I MAY BE WRONG George Haslam & Ruben Ferrero
I LOVES YOU PORGY Steve Waterman & Dan Messore
IN A SENTIMENTAL MOOD George Haslam & Steve Waterman
STARDUST George Haslam & Ruben Ferrero
31/05/2014. Michael Steinman
There is nothing that saxophonist George Haslam, who celebrates the 25th anniversary of his SLAM imprint this year, can’t play and the ballad treatments of Words Unspoken find him conjuring shades of Carney and Mulligan, as well as referencing Ben Webster’s vibrato and post-tone breathing while, of course, filtering all through his own approach. This disc of duets and solos does not so much deconstruct the
ballad as present it in three dimensions, elucidating it from multiple instrumental angles. Contrast the two versions of “In a Sentimental Mood”: in guitarist Esmond Selwyn’s intimate rendition, harmony is king, even in the way he reemphasizes and transforms the melody’s harmonic implications each time it is stated; when Haslam and trumpeter Steve Waterman lay down their version of the same tune, it becomes a study in harmonic implication and resolution through
counterpoint. This sinewy and often elusive approach becomes especially interesting when each player solos as harmonic control is bandied about in a friendly game of tag. A somewhat similar path is taken when Haslam and bassist Steve Kershaw slide effortlessly through “I Won’t Send Roses”, but no such harmonic ambiguities cloud the horizon during “A Kiss to Build a Dream On” and “Blue Bossa”, both courtesy of Haslam and pianist Ruben Ferrero. Haslam’s penchant
for rhythmic freedom opens the tune, more blue than bossa, and the way the duo elongates bossa rhythm upon Ferrero’s lush entrance is both natural and thoroughly enjoyable
(Michael Steinman The New York City Jazz Record)
25/04/2014 Rotcod Zzaj
George Haslam – WORDS UNSPOKEN: Some splendid ballad work from George’s baritone sax, with guests Steve Waterman on trumpet/flugelhorn, Ruben Ferrero on piano, Esmond Selwyn on guitar, Dan Messore guitar and Steve Kershaw doing double bass. A beautiful slow-start on the opener, “A Kiss To Build A Dream On” is very satisfying indeed. The double bass intro on “I Won’t Send Roses” will be played over & over on your playlists… a definite laid-back groove. It was the 7:56 rendition of “Naima” that got my vote for favorite of the thirteen tunes offered up for your ongoing aural adventure, though… sweet is the best word I can think of to describe this! I give George & crew a MOST HIGHLY RECOMMENDED, with an “EQ” (energy quotient) rating of 4.98 for this one.
Get more information at the SLAM PRODUCTIONS website for this CD. Rotcod Zzaj.
01/11/2013. Vittorio Lo Conte
Il sassofonista baritono George Haslam è un musicista e produttore speciale, che non fa mistero di avere una predilezione per l´avanguardia, ma non dimentica quelli che sono i grandi standards, quelle canzoni conosciute da tutti e su cui i jazzisti amano improvvisare adeguandosi alla struttura di accordi. È così che fra un disco e l´altro produce qualcosa che è anche per quei palati sopraffini che cercano appunto la bellezza dell´esecuzione ed il grande standard. I brani che ci presenta sono registrati in giro per il mondo, in solo o in duo, per lo più c´è Haslam, ma ci sono dei brani in duo del trombettista Steve Waterman insieme al chitarrista Dan Messore, le imperdibili Naima e I Loves You Porgy, oppure In a Sentimental Mood eBody and Soul eseguite dalla chitarra solitaria diEsmond Selwyn. Altrove è George Haslam all´opera, in duo insieme al pianista argentino Ruben Ferrero, al chitarrista Dan Messore, al contrabbassista Steve Kershaw ed al trombettista Steve Waterman. Che sia un disco speciale lo si capisce fin dall´inizio, poi la musica prende il sopravvento e la bellezza dei brani e delle esecuzioni lascia senza parole. Qualcosa come Naima è una gemma da antologia, ma è certo che il resto e l´intero disco non passano inosservati all´ascolto.
Vittorio Lo Conte
16/09/2013. Bruce Lee Gallanter
Words Unspoken: Duets (Slam 329; UK) Personnel: George Haslam on bari sax, Steve Waterman on trumpet & flugel, Esmond Selwyn & Dan Messore on guitars, Ruben Ferrero on piano and Steve Kershaw on acoustic bass. Baritone sax and Slam label head, George Haslam, keeps busy playing in a variety of bands both in England as well as in South America where he visits and records on occasion. Haslam has recorded free music with Lol Coxhill, Borah Bergman and Paul Rutherford. He has also recorded more Straight jazz with Mal Waldron and some of those lesser known South American musicians. All of the thirteen songs here are relatively well-known standards. Mr. Haslam has a warm lovely tone on bari saxi plays these songs with elegance and grace. Guitarist Esmond Selwyn, trumpeter Steve Waterman and pianist Ruben Ferrero are also gifted jazz musicians who also play these old school gems superbly. Although I listen to so little straight jazz nowadays, I did find these performances to be most charming and inventive on a more restrained level. Highlights include “I Won’t Send Roses”, “How Insensitive” and “I Love You Porgy”.
Bruce Lee Gallanter, DMG